I didn’t know much about this book going in, but I did know who Michael Malice was so I thought I would see what it was all about. First of all, it’s not to be confused with The Anarchist Cookbook. Can’t name the number of times I’ve talked about this book and someone has said something like “Why would you need to know how to make bombs?”. Wrong book my friend. Wrong book. So anyway, this book is interesting in that it’s actually a collection of essays from many authors on the topic of anarchism. That doesn’t take away from the content in my opinion. In fact, it heightens it.
I found the content to be fascinating and very enlightening. It made me think of things from a different point of view and see the government in a different light. Now, it is a rather difficult read. As you would expect. It is talking about deep philosophical, economical and social topics. But if you ever wanted to look at the ideas of anarchy and libertarianism this is an excellent book for that.