
Turn the other cheek

I’ve given this a lot of thought and I’ve come to the conclusion that one of the reasons that the country is where it is today is because Christians have been taught a horrible misrepresentation of Christ. And the “Turn the other cheek” thing is at the heart of it all. Maybe we could also …

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The Warrior

    I am strong Stronger than most This is my calling I don’t mean to boast   I fight to protect Not just for brawling I fight for the weak This is my calling   To save those I can And stop those that hurt them Like those who push evil And those who …

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The attack on the family

This is probably the most important thing that we could talk about today.  There is a group of people who strongly believe that there are too many human beings on this planet and they have taken it upon themselves to solve it.  These people blame you and your families for this problem.  If it wasn’t …

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What makes a good story?

There is so much that goes into a good story. Most of us know what that is without actually knowing what that is. After all, we all tell stories everyday. Specifically about ourselves and our friends and families. Or whatever juicy story is going around at the time. I’ve always found it fascinating that there …

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What should I be today?

  What should I be today? Perhaps a dog or a cat It could be close to Halloween Maybe a wolf or a bat   Everyday they look up to me I can not dissapoint Making the strange shapes they see from their vantage point   They love to see a Unicorn or mighty Dragon …

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Where is George?

There is something interesting in this country. All those who seem to be in charge of it, very much want to be. Maybe it’s not fair to compaire what we have now to the best President we’ve ever had. This is not just me saying this, every list I’ve ever seen from both sides has …

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